This was so well researched! Super interesting. I do wonder whether the machinery we use to read is actually a catalyst for creativity too - what do you think? I feel like voracious reading gives substrate to new thought... but on the other hand, less exposure might give space for original thought... keen to hear your take on this.

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Thanks! I do think there is a potential tradeoff between creative generation and reading. It's good to let the mind rest sometimes. However, I still think people should read a great deal more. It's a lot easier now to be efficient with reading consumption given the different formats and ease of access to any titles.

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Nice! Yeah I think I fall in the same camp as you. I think reading is a creative act - and that's never something to turn your head at! Reading "too much" is probably not a problem for the vast majority 😂

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I ran into a review of yours on Good Reads and was super impressed with 1k books. Very nice. Biggest issue I have with book reading is a major loss in retention without something like spaced repetition. For more serious works, I put facts into Anki.

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Thanks! Yes, I think at the rate I read I am probably at diminishing return despite having good recall. My recall increases the more I invest in a book (part of why I write reviews is to boost recall), but then there is a tradeoff with how much I read. I like casting a wide net as well (planning a defense of dilettantism post here haha). It would be great if there were readily accessible reading curricula built for specific domains, organized hierarchically by complexity/depth/expertise. Maybe such things exist, but not sure where I'd look besides actual course syllabi, which are more limited than what I'm proposing.

I also am a believer in the Western Canon/Great books idea. There should be philosopher kings walking around. We can't all be subsist on tweets and the latest science.

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Well, you should’ve dealt into the reasons and benefits of reading besides it being a better activity for leisure than other activities I was surprised about the age breakdown as I recall my grandparents always were reading because they were retired and had a lot more time I would think with the advent of audiobooks there would be a higher consumption

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